Today is the 1st of January of 2021. Finally. The day we have all been waiting for. We are looking into the new year full of hope as the last 365 days have not been kind to us. It can only go up from here, right?
Well, here are some news: I lost my job. Yesterday was the last day I was employed. Today I am without a job or income. Full of worries. Terrified. But also free.
I got the news about three months ago and have spent all my free time ever since writing applications & preparing for what is to come.
What is next?
While I am still open and looking for a stable opportunity that allows me to work location independent for a cause I support, I made the decision to become a freelancer.
But… am I not a freelancer already? Yes, I am. I have been since 2019, but only as a side hustle. Now, I want it to be my business. My main focus. My career.
From today on I am a writer.
Like, for real. Aaaaaaaah.
I wanted to be able to say this ever since I learned the alphabet. Storytelling is in my blood. Let’s see if freelance is, too.
I am scared like hell but also very excited. I feel brave and nervous equally. This is a whole new chapter in my life. And I hope it will be a good one.
What I am doing
I am offering my freelance services as a writer, copywriter and ghostwriter. I am open to opportunities of any kind, but my main focus is storytelling. If you want to learn more about my freelance work please click here and if you want a view into my portfolio, click here.
Besides my paid work I am also working on my project Azorean Stories which I try to spend as much time on as I get because it is very dear to my heart.
I also reactivated my YouTube channel. So if you are interested in following my personal journey, consider subscribing there:
If you want to support my work or simply help me buy a cup of tea in a café, you can also check out my Patreon page for direct support. If you want to support me constantly and have some benefits from that, check out my tiers there.
Besides the work and project side of things, I am still living on Pico Island, enjoying my Azorean home in the middle of the Atlantic.
And from here I send you all lots of love & a happy new year! ♥