I am almost exploding with joy and excitement! Today is the day I can finally announce that I will publish a book!
This is the biggest dream of my life coming true. My heart races just thinking about it. The little girl, the teenager and the young woman I once was and that have been dreaming about and working on this for so long are cheering with tears in their eyes. I am so proud of myself.
But let me tell you about the book:
The Anatomy of Waves is a love letter to all the versions of myself that I never was and to my home made of waves and lava.
This poetry collection is divided into five chapters forming a story of loss, trauma, joy, ocean waves, islands, finding a home and oneself. They sing from breaking and healing, from running and arriving. Inspired by the nature of the Azores and the wonders of the soul, these poems will take you a journey deep inside yourself.
Be careful, you might get lost in your own wilderness.
Release Date:
MARCH 19, 2021
And here goes the Cover Reveal, which I am insanely proud of as I designed it myself:

For the beginning, the book will unfortunately only be available via Amazon, but this might change in the future. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me.
But now I am off to celebrate those hard weeks of work and keeping it a secret. I am so thrilled for y’all to hold my first book in your hands. It is not only a 2021 release but it will be published in less than one month! Eeeeeeeeeeeek! I am dancing through the room now, goodbyeeee! Don’t forget to pre-order as it would mean the absolute WORLD to me! Thank you!
PS: If you want to see me freak out in person and hear more about the story of how it came to be and why I chose self-publishing, check out my Announcement Video on YouTube: