Two and 1/2 big news!! Aaaaaah!
I have two big, big, biiiiig announcements for you today! And one small one on top of it all! I have been working on both of these projects basically non-stop
I have two big, big, biiiiig announcements for you today! And one small one on top of it all! I have been working on both of these projects basically non-stop
I am almost exploding with joy and excitement! Today is the day I can finally announce that I will publish a book! THE ANATOMY OF WAVES is coming to you on March, 19 – in less than a month! … Continue readingI AM PUBLISHING A BOOK
I have made a decision. I will become the version of myself that I always wanted to be. … Continue readingThe Future of Me
(deutsche Übersetzung vorhanden)
Since 2019 I’ve been working freelance as a writer (and tour guide) and constantly try to educate and better myself. Not only in the craft but also in the topics I am passionate about. … Continue readingMY FREELANCE WORK
Hi! Hello! Nice to meet you! Here I am, this is me, Tasmin.
I am a writer, storyteller, aspiring author, empath and creative. I love to create all kinds of things – from a herb garden to photographs to fictional worlds. … Continue readingHere I Am